
DIY- Halloween Trick or Treat Grave

30 September

All pumped up  for halloween?

I'm really excited! There's so much going on, truly the festive season is here now.

Are you following our festive craft ?

If you don't already know, we are celebrating this festive october by uploading easy to make diys for Diwali and Halloween as these are the major attractions for the coming month and we wanted to share what we create.

So I'm back with a spooky grave idea for trick or treat which can be easily made from paper and paint. Honestly all that I've created till now I had most fun doing this one. You'll know when you make it. 

Let's get started!

You'll need:
White paper
Grey and Red paint 
(You can use water, poster or acrylic any colour according to your wish) 
Scissor & Ruler
Double sided tape 
(Not mandatory)
Paint brushes

Okay, so for your better understanding I've made this to help you with measurements, folds and flap. 

Now you know everything draw the pattern and cut it. 
Make crease with help of scissor on every folding, joint and flap like shown below; Fold and secure it by pasting. 

Next step is to paste the flaps to sides so it makes a box like shown in the image below.

Grab a giant brush, grey colour and paint the box.
Why you need to use grey colour is because it will give a cemented look to the box which turns out to great as you can see in the image below.

Now cut a rectangle according to to width of box and paint it grey. Make sure the rectangle is atleast 6cm longer in height from the box

Fold the upper corners of rectangle as shown in the first image below.
Now comes the fun part to make it spooky, I started with writing RIP and gave a dripping effect to it, then added spider web and text. 

Time to add blood (my favorite part) I first used bright red nailpaint then continued with acrylic colour so that it looks thick and at the same time looks flowy like blood. 
Nail paint was too thick that's why I switched to acrylic.

I also added fingerprints by painting my thumb and just pressing on wherever needed.

Just be yourself let your creativity flow create it how you want.
You don't need to be clean, make it look like a blood massacre.

Now attach a double sided tape on lock as shown in the image, you can skip this step and keep it open if you want.

Now paste the rectangular part and box with help of adhesive or you can even use double sided tape.

(Ignore the mess in background)
If you didn't already notice, you did now. Sorry :P

Fill in the grave with toffees, gummy bears, chocolates etc. and place it where you want.

I hope you like this easy and cool way to make trick or treat creative and fun.
If you try this, don't forget to send me pictures. You can also tag us on instagram or facebook . I'd love to see them.

Let me know what you think of this idea?
Write all your suggestions, query and feedback in the comment box below ✌

See you next time 



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  1. Wow this looks great and would definitely make my doorstep look Halloween ready :)

    1. Thanks liza. Don't forget to share the pictures ;)


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